I'm not posting anything from my typography class fall quarter. I essentially treated it as a skills class, and have nothing from it that I'd care to show to anyone. You'll just have to be content to see my typography get better and better as you see the rest of my projects, culminating in my own typeface, which should be finished sometime in June. No, it won't be called 'Erin,' but will be named after ArcoSanti, the community on which it is based. So I'll leave you with the knowledge that during a portfolio review the other day, I was finally declared to be "a competent typographer," and one of the more formally inspirational photos of ArcoSanti:
those curves! those notches! They'll be letterforms someday, I swear it! I'm still debating sans-serif vs. slab-serif vs. wedge-serif, but that will be decided this weekend. And, I can always do ArcoSanti Slab now, with the knowledge that I can add ArcoSanti Sans later on to make it a happy little family of kooky Soleri inspired goodness.
I originally wanted to base the typeface off of the drastic differences between what Soleri had planned and what had actually been built, but soon came to the realization that those differences are rather depressing. I mean, what was I thinking, that I could just design 3% of the typeface (to reflect that the community is only 3% complete)? So, while I hope to present a slightly more realistic vision of ArcoSanti than Futura (their current typeface of choice) does, it will in general still be an optimistic outlook.
Good luck with your development. You shoul know, however, that it is Arcosanti (no capital S). www.arcosanti.org
ha, how odd! I kept seeing it somewhere as ArcoSanti... like, MacDonalds or something. This is awesome though, as it's much easier to work with a word that doesn't have a random capital in the middle!
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